Water and wastewater management presents challenges with environmental, health, and economic implications that require a thorough understanding of regulatory laws. EnTech will apply its expertise in water network and storage design, water and wastewater treatment, statutory health and safety standards, hydrology, and economic analysis to provide you with safe, consistent, water and wastewater distribution, collection, and treatment.
Our water/wastewater design services also include the following:
• SSES investigations
• Inflow/infiltration analysis
• SSO/CSO evaluation/elimination
• Water quality and supply studies
• Sewer-shed studies
• Subsurface disposal systems
• Hydrogeological studies
• Booster and pump station design
• Subsurface utility engineering
• Transmission, collection and conveyance design
• Sludge treatment and disposal
• Industrial pretreatment
• Enhanced nutrient removal upgrades
• Regulatory strategies and negotiations
• NPDES permitting
• Mechanical/electrical engineering